
May our Readers have a well and happy New Year.

In Australia the New Year is marked by the 1st January each year however the Chinese New Year does not begin until 18 February in 2007 this year. In 2007 we welcome the Year of the Pig. The Chinese Calendar is based around the lunar phases and so the date of the New Year changes each year according to the moon phases.

Our Members welcomed in the New Year 2007 with the conclusion of our Five Day Bhavana Course and a Bell Puja offering.

The Five Day Bhavana course ran from 27 December 2006 to 31 December 2006 at our centre. The paper for the course entitled "What mantra are you really running on?, written by Anita Carter, Frank Carter and Adam Richard, is included in this issue. This paper will give you an overview of the structure and content of the course and may even help you discover what mantra you are running on and help you reshape the direction of your life.

Also featuring in this issue is the radio broadcast script “What mantra are you running from? Broadcast on 29 December 2006 on 3MDR 97.1 FM.

We have been very fortunate to host Master Yi to our Temple for 10 days so he may study the Vinaya scriptures. Our Members have had the opportunity to practice dana by offering breakfast and lunch each day. Master Yi was a former Member and Life Member of our Temple before taking robes. Please enjoy the cover photograph of Master Yi during this visit.

Our New Meditation hall is nearing completion. If you would like to help with meritorious project you can take part in the 1000 Buddhas Offering sponsorship and the funds will be used to complete the new hall.

May you be well and happy.

May all beings be well and happy.

Pennie White
Editor BDDR
Chan Academy Australia

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