
Australian Buddhist General Conference
20 to 22 February 2004

Minutes of the meeting held on Youth

Guest Speaker: Professor Padmasiri De Silva (Monash University)

Facilitator: Ms Pennie White
Secretary: Ms Julie O'Donnell

1) Drawing on Themes from the conference regarding youth
2) Programs operating for Buddhist Youth in Temples
3) Resources for teaching Buddhist Youth
4) Recommendations by the Group on Youth

Summary presented to Conference by group on Youth Facilitator Ms Pennie White

In today's fast world where everything comes easily and quickly to the youth, how can we attract youth to Buddhist practice?

Actually, people only come to practise for themselves, we cannot give this to them.

For young children and adolescence 'action' is more attractive than just listening to theory. Some groups for children are being run and precepts are being taught by asking the children, what are the consequences of this or that action. The children enjoy participating. For young children it is interesting to learn through stories and narrative so we can engage our children in Buddhist plays and theatre.

For teenagers where peer pressure is strong and what is important is 'identity' and 'developing relationships'. Action is the way youth are doing things.

Martial Arts are another avenue that some youth arrive at spiritual practices.

It is empowering for youth especially in adolescence do their own thinking. Young people like to feel independent.

Members of the group found new ways and techniques they can use to teach morality based on things learnt during this conference on engaging Buddhism.

Some members of the group are working in Victorian Schools with students and universities.

We are engaged in Buddhism in our daily lives in Australia. Members of our group on youth will continue the work we are doing and increase the communications about how we are engaging Buddhism in Australia.

We suggest we run a youth conference with young speakers and participants.

It is important for us to lead by example. We demonstrate compassion and understanding then our youth will see our example and become curious. If we try to do good to people then our youth notice that. Our good example is the very best way we can encourage our youth to be engaged.

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